
Monday, March 26, 2012

Hair Loss is a Serious Issue...

I'm not sure, but I think I'm losing my hair at the top. Hopefully not yet though. Maybe it's just the way that I brush it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sitting Down

You ever listen to the Andre 3000 track, "She Lives In My Lap"

"She stays alone, never sheds a single tear
She stays in the coolest moods, clearly woman of the year
She and all her girlfriends, they go out dressed to win
She comes back to the cooler side of town
but she lives in my lap"
-Andre 3000

Thursday, March 8, 2012

White Parts Coloured Red

What does it feel like to be involuntarily frozen with eyes shut and lips pursed? A political discussion should ensue. I am a man. My skin is darker. My hair is coarser. We are human. SHE is human. The tasks of determining the hues, shades, textures, shapes, sizes, and slopes of the parts that make up the whole, have largely been covered for her. What has she done, what will she do, what will she say that will illuminate what lies beyond our expectations? As you know, I have no right to answer for her and have probably stepped out of bounds by asking the question in the first place.